Leadership with Responsibility

Basit Munawar
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Everything starts with a small step that is being taken by someone who has the qualities distinguished from rest of the world.

As we are going through our lives, we didn’t notice the things that should needed some change and that amendment is only done if we incur responsibility on us.

While I am taking the class, i am in a classroom of Electrical Department in NED University.

Here while examining the ambiance, I have noticed that there is a vague paper on the floor, some rubbish on ground and seats are in inadequate way and the white board is filled with work of the class that is being over.

Condition of classroom before

Here the rubbish must be in dustbin, the sitting chairs should be in orchestra and the white board have to be cleaned and fans must switched off after the class is terminated.

Rubbish that must be in dustbin

I order to ameliorate the surroundings I had picked the piece of paper and rubbish and put it in dustbin that is placed outside of our class and after that i had rubbed the white board and lastly after making the orchestra of chairs in accurate way, i had switched off the fans and leave the class.

After amendment

This is the picture that is being taken after setting things up. After doing the task i am feeling committed as well as responsible. Also sense a contentment aroused in myself.

Like as the activity is concerned I have done the little work to just amend the environment that no one considered as their task. Despite of the activity I mostly do note these type of task and tried to ameliorate as soon as possible. But here in this case i haven’t done this before, like wise i just switched off the lights and fans to save energy. It is prevalent in our university or in young generation that they don’t even understand the important of energy and waste as much as they can. As our Electrical Department teacher told us that it is incumbent for an Electrical Engineer to know the worth of single unit as this exceeded unit about the peak demand is generated by an extra power plant. So i especially care for that and switched off the power after the class is dispersed.

While doing the activity i realize that it should be the prime duty of every individual to do something better for the society and to enhance the ambiance by one act. As the activity has the direct relationship with leadership. The leadership without authority, by taking responsibility we got to know the real meaning of leadership. To sense the commitment of work and to emanate good work. If we do some work by our own desire and incur ourselves responsible for such task that we do for the betterment of the society that task enriches leadership.

