Reflection Story: The story of immense learning.

Basit Munawar
3 min readJun 5, 2021


This blog is all about my incredible journey of Amal Academy. Since I used to be a practical type of person and I have spent time mostly in public dealings and personal interactions. But as Covid arrived it all changed the world including me, in the context that we don’t even have time to think about ourselves because we always attracted to easier task and we have that device in hand that we were using throughout the day but Covid gave us time to think about ourselves and the people around us. As I realized I have to groom myself in the sense that I must be equipped with knowledge and skills that will help me to achieve my goals. At that time I get to know about Amal Academy that they are enhancing interpersonal skills and groom students to be professional in their job.

My Amal Academy’s journey was of immense dedication and consistency. It was story of extreme learning. As I have to manage things accordingly because I have to continue my university classes and side by side I was preparing for CSS exams and lastly I have to spend some time at real estate. So it was quite difficult to set routine and manage these according to their specific time. But as I pursue courses in Amal Academy I get to know about techniques to discipline myself and to get most work in less time. the journey started from knowing oneself to an amazing mock interviews. The courses related to productivity, problem solving and entrepreneurship gave an insight to me in order to utilize my hours in a day.

The whole experience was amazing but most impactful thing was related to professionalism. As I don’t know much about corporate sector and don’t even know how to be effective in an interview by superhero resume and coverletter. I have learned a ton from the PASSENGER series of interview preparation. I am really inspired by their way of teaching, how Amal Academy’s team guide us step by step and layer by layer. now I confidently stand and say I am good in interpersonal skills. As I am extremely dedicated to learning so I listened each and every lecture with complete attention and I made notes of every course with proper presentation so i can easily revise things whenever i want. Second thing I want to share is by learning these all things from Amal, I can able to tell my friends how to be effective in interview, how to tackle questions and what qualities you have to show the interview panel.

Lastly I wanted to say this whole time with Amal Academy is stupendous and I won’t forget these all great people especially Sir Anis and Ma’am Aaliya, these guys helped us from core of their heart and felt our problem as theirs. And finally I wanted to say thank you to entire Amal Family and the things they taught me will be giving benefits in our entire life.

